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Summer 2008

This summer was busier than I had anticipated. Working as a summer conference manager is crazier than I expected. It has been stressful and I didn't have as much free time as I wanted for my summer vacation, but I learned a lot. I gained a lot of experiences and skills, and made a lot of new friends. This summer's been different than last summer. At this point, I didn't take any pictures at all this summer. I'm also working with a bigger staff than last summer, and I'm doing something completely different from what I did last summer. However, I'm ready for summer to be over. I'm not looking forward to RA training but I'm definitely looking forward to moving in to Walker. I'm also both excited and anxious about whom my new roommates are going to be... whether or not we would get along. We will see soon.

Pics - Hancock, MA

Mom and dad loading our things to the car

Eating at the Ritz Diner, which was featured in the food network

Sis and I exploring the resort

The view of the mountain from our room

Sis at the balcony of our hotel room

Remembering Jamie (1986-2008)

A resident on my floor, who is also a friend of mine, Jamie Heard, passed away last Sunday. His death came as a shock to everyone. Jamie was one of the best person one could ever know. He was always positive, and he always said that "Life is beautiful." Everytime I saw him, he was smiling. He gave a lot of hugs to people too. He was hardworking and diligent, and he was genuinely interested in people, which was evident in the number of people affected by his death.

A vigil for him took place on-campus last night and close to a thousand people was there. This was only the people he knew on campus, not counting the number of lives he touched outside of UMBC. He inspired and encouraged a lot of people, and he challenged me to be better. Whenever I saw him, he'd always asked me how I was, and it was not because he was being polite, but because he really wanted to know how I was doing.

He will truly be missed.

In Jamie's own words...
I value life because I realize that too many people waste it. I smile because I realize that too many people cry. I laugh because I know too many people take things too seriously. I lead because too many people have been led astray. I teach because so many people are ignorant. I speak because people need to listen. I listen because so many people have been ignored. I have fun because too many people are always busy. I live for a purpose, because too many people have died for no purpose. I love because too many people show hate. I keep trying because too many people give up. I appreciate what I have because so many people take it for granted. Life is beautiful.