I love free stuff. I admit it. I'm a full-time college student with tons of student loans and debts, but very limited income. So I'm always on a lookout for free stuff. I figure I should start sharing it with other people who might want free stuff as well.
Amazon actually gives free ebook downloads in PDF. They have close to 500 ebooks free for download. The authors might not be familiar, but some of the books are actually entertaining and good. The free books covers a wide variety of genres.
=> Click here for Amazon's free EBook downloads <=
Did you know that Walmart gives free samples and free trials? It's awesome. It's a great way to get something that you might or might not use for free. I have gotten paper towels, tissues, diapers, vitamins, feminine products (tampons, etc), toothpaste, and more from them. They do update the free stuff they give away every few weeks.
=> Click here for Walmart's free samples and free trials <=
Pics - Eve & Rick's Wedding
Eve getting ready at the hotel
The wedding ceremony
The bride and the groom
Party time
What a Weekend
I'm finally moved-out and checked-out of Walker. I'm free from ResLife and the RA job. I'm back home living with my mom, and will be commuting back and forth to UMBC until the end of the year. In between moving out, I drove to Ohio for Eve and Rick's wedding on Saturday and drove back on Sunday to finish moving out. The wedding was sweet and fun. The move was fast and quick because I already planned ahead, and have been slowly moving my things out throughout the week. Busy weekend. Great and fun times.