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Moving Out

I helped Taan move out of her old place into a new one this weekend, and it was a lot of work. Moving is always so stressful, but it's definitely a very good exercise. It's amazing how much material things we could accumulate in such a short period of time, and that makes it harder to move.

Cats and House Sitting Days

Once in a while, we would get a call to watch and take care of Ginger and Gilbert (cats) and the house while the homeowners go out of town for vacation.

What's Next for Apple?

BlackBerry Certified

I'm now officially a BlackBerry certified systems administrator. I passed the certification exam last month, and I finally received my certificate in the mail. Yey! So what does this mean? I quote from the BlackBerry website, "The BlackBerry® Certified System Administrator certification is designed for technical professionals who install, configure and manage BlackBerry® Enterprise Server software in an enterprise environment."

Click for more info --> BlackBerry Certification Website

Are You Close to 10,000 Hours?

“No one rises before dawn 360 days a year and fails to make his family wealthy.”

Outliers emphasized the key to success as a mixture of several factors: hard work and luck. IQ and/or education have little to do with whether a person becomes successful or not. It’s all about the number of hours you put into practicing your craft. Gladwell determines that the special number is 10,000 hours. Anyone who has put in 10,000 hours of practice time has become successful – Bill Gates, professional athletes, lawyers, etc. Luck also plays a major part on whether success comes to you with less effort or not. This luck factor includes birth date (month/year), race, location, economic status, etc. When all these factors fall into place in perfect harmony, success is almost guaranteed if you’re willing to work hard at it. Whether you agree with Gladwell or not, this book will definitely make you think and evaluate your own life experiences and circumstances.