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Pics - Messy Office

Because I am bored, and I love posting pictures.... Here are a few shots I just took of what our office currently looks like. It's a huge mess because we are all very disorganized, and there are 4 of us sharing this office at different times. It is very hard to keep it clean. I just gave up trying to organize anything. We are also in the process of moving to a bigger office, so we have boxes all over the place. This is where I work in the morning.....

My desk and the computer I'm practically glued to. Files all over the desk, water bottles, leftover gifts from Christmas that hasn't been claimed, etc.

That's Carmen's, my officemate / direct supervisor's, desk on the right side. Her space's no better than mine. Eheh.

This is the white boards where we list down all the listings (properties for sale on the right) we have, and sales we have pending (properties under contract and waiting to be closed on the left).

Boxes, and the vacuum we rarely use. There's also the printer and the fax machine, as well as, Cynthia's, my other officemate's, desk. She's on maternity leave, so we get to use her area. Yey! Eheh.

Not Feeling Too Good

I'm not feeling too well today. My sinus is killing me, and my jaw hurts when I move it. So, I can't chew my food too well because it hurts. I think I need to go to the dentist. Let them check if there's something wrong with my teeth that's causing my jaw and gums to hurt. Is this how it is when you get old? Like your body's falling apart. Ehehe. I've already taken a handful of painkillers, and it's not really kicking in, and I still have to work today. Maybe I should take more? I can't wait to go home and take a nap. Hopefully, I'll be well enough to go out tonight. ^_^

Old Pics - KGS Birthday

I dug up some old pictures from back in 1996. Whoa!! That was almost 10 years ago!!! I'll be posting a bunch of old pictures once in a while, whenever I stumble upon them. This was from Karyna's birthday party. This was just us, kids, fooling around outside. I had short hair during this time. Then again, I changed my hair (in terms of length) so many times back in high school.

Admiring and inspecting the plants and the flowers behind us??

Karyna, Wootie, Mal, and Shiela

An old beat-up jeepney and a No Parking sign: T-shirts and baggy shorts... those were the days when tank tops and daisy dukes were not yet in fashion, or maybe we just didn't care? Hmm...

Trying to get out of the door at the same time

The Love Quiz

I was re-reading this old magazine I recently found, and it has this article called "Love Quiz" by Chip Ingram. I already posted this back in 2003 (in my old old blog), but I thought I'd post it again. You may agree, disagree, whatever... I think it's interesting.


* Love takes time to grow. Infatuation explodes in an instant. You spring into infatuation, but you usually grow into love.

* Love grows out of knowing all that you can about the other person - good or bad. Infatuation lives in a make-believe world where the other person is perfect. Infatuation is happy to know very little about someone so it can leave the rest to imagination, but true love longs to know all about someone - the good, the bad, and the ugly.

* An infatuated individual may be "in love" with two or more people at the same time. True love is focused only on one person.

* Genuine love creates a sense of security and feelings of trust. A person who's infatuated often feels jealous because they don't trust the other person.

* Someone who's infatuated loses his or her ambition and interests in everyday things and daydreams of unrealistic ideals that won't ever really happen. A person in love works hard to better themselves for the other person's benefit.

* Love understands that giving someone space is a good thing. Infatuation imagines love to be intense closeness 24/7.

* A couple in love usually expresses physical affection later in a relationship. In infatuation, affection is expressed earlier, sometimes in the very beginning.

* Love tends to endure. Infatuation may change suddenly and unpredictably.

* A couple in love isn't indifferent to the timing of their wedding, but they don't feel an irresistible drive toward it. Infatuated folks can't wait to tie the knot.

(Adapted from Love, Sex, and Lasting Relationships by Chip Ingram ©2003)

Christmas Day

I'm just bored at home waiting for a show on TV at 11 pm tonight. It's in HBO called "Dare to Dream: The Story of the US Women's Soccer Team". It's actually a documentary, and I'm a sucker for shows like that... stories of hardships, overcoming obstacles, and coming out victorious in the end. I love watching those kinds of shows. ^_^

Well, this is my current desktop wallpaper. I got it from (where else). I love that website, and I'm a frequent visitor. I think it's a cute Christmas piece by particle9 ( I thought I'd share it with everyone. ^_^

Here's the image I sent to everyone in my Christmas greetings mass email. Hehe... It's the lazy person's alternative from sending out Christmas cards by snail mail. I did send out cards to a lot of people, but they most likely will receive it late. So until they get my card in the mail, an email greeting will do. ^_^ This image is by shane613 ( from I know this version of the nativity scene is not entirely accurate, but it's really really cute. I just love it.

Merry Christmas everyone!!!! ^_^

Christmas in 2 days

I will be driving my mom around this afternoon. She hasn't finished up her Christmas shopping, as usual, always waiting for the last minute. I know it's going to be brutal later because everybody's going to be doing the same. Hopefully, it'll all be over soon. I've never really been too fond of shopping or the whole hype of the Holidays. I'm just happy I don't have to work on Monday. Ehehe... Does that make me evil? Of course, I have not forgotten the whole reason for the season.... ^_^