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Pics - Snow Day

We had our second snow for this winter season. Hopefully, it will be the last. This winter's been really weird with all the spring and fall weather, and very little snow, but now it's starting to feel like winter with only a few more weeks to go before spring officially begins.

The snow melted quickly throughout the day because of the sunlight, but of course, you still need to clean the snow off your car. I thought I can finally use that shovel sitting on the corner collecting dust, but when I got out of the house all ready to take on the snow, it was already cleaned and it looked like the snow never even touched my car. [Thank you, Malcolm ^_^]

They cleaned and salted our walkways as soon as the snow stopped. It was pretty impressive considering it's a Sunday.

They cleaned out the roads pretty well too. When I left to go out, the roads are all clear and more or less safe.

Winter wonderland - taking some pictures while driving. It wasn't easy and it's not safe either. Kids, don't try it. ^_^

Snow covered trees behind our place. They always look so beautiful when the snow sticks to the branches like that.