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Check out my sweet ride today

I’m car-less today because I had to drop my car off to the auto clinic place last night to get it checked and ready for that road trip to Orlando next week. Besides, I think it’s time for those quarterly check-ups, which I have been putting off for weeks because I don’t have the money to pay for it. For weeks, I have been driving with a broken brake light. Hehe. Now that I need to drive at least 13 hours to Florida, I have to get my car tuned up and fixed.

I took the bus to work today. I haven’t ridden the bus in years, since I started driving. I’ve gotten so used to the convenience of driving around anytime and not have to wait for the bus to arrive. I’ve become spoiled. Ridding the bus wasn't really that bad. Sure, I had to leave home earlier, my commute took longer, and I had to transfer to 4 different buses at different locations, but I actually enjoyed it. Especially now that the weather is warmer, all the waiting and standing outside wasn’t too difficult. I’m actually considering taking the bus a few days every week to save on gas.


Rhea Paredes said...

heheh, yup! it's a pretty sweet ride. just don't fall asleep and miss your stop (like i do.) heheh.