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Pics - Rockville to DC Bike Trip

21-Mile Bike Ride from Rockville to Georgetown (May 2006)

Malcolm invited a lot of people for this bike trip, but everyone chickened out when they heard how long it was going to be. Only the brave showed up, and I admit, even I had some doubts on whether I could finish this trip or not, but fortunately, I made it to the end. It was definitely not easy, considering the amount of exercise I've had is walking to the restroom from my desk. My fingers are definitely getting a lot of exercise from all the typing I do at work, but toned fingers won't help me ride a bike. ^_^ Anyway, it was a great day, the company was awesome, no one got injured, and we made it all to the end in one piece.

At the beginning of the trip in good ol' MC-R

In Bethesda, outside of B&N... We're halfway there!

Closing in on Georgetown... the tunnel on the Capital Crescent Trail

Finally, Georgetown... the Potomac River & Key Bridge behind us

Parking our bikes at the Waterfront, ready for some ice cream

Uuhh... Tenny's looking scary.

Whoa! Tenny is way tall!! We're finally heading home via the Metro. I don't think I could have survived another 21-mile ride heading back to Maryland. Whew!


Rhea Paredes said...

hi anna! musta na?