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A New Year & A New Post

It took almost a year, but an update is finally here. Since I'm currently on summer vacation, I figure this would be the best time to start posting again. There are no exams and homeworks to worry about and to prepare for. I have work and that's it. I'm working on campus right now, and getting free on-campus housing too. How cool is that? No rent! One less thing to worry about for the next 3 months.

I'll be blogging about random stuff throughout this summer. Mostly about work because I spend almost all of my time at work anyway. Here's a preview of what we do at work.....

Team meeting in our office or shop (the MA Shop - Maintenance Assistant's Shop) - Me & Agnes (our manager), and Matt's feet in front of us

Is this what we do at work everyday??? No, we actually do real work sometimes. Haha. (Gregg & Cliff taking a nap)