I see Kevin at least once every week because we're in the same PSYC (RA) class, and Cliff at least twice a week because we're in the same Computer Science class. The rest of my summer MA team, I never saw them since we all moved out and school started. It was a little weird, but like most things in life, you get use to it.
We love riding around on our carts. Kevin and Agnes pushing the cart with Clifford on it.
And we enjoy jumping around on top and between towers of mattresses. [Kevin & Greg]
Resting on an old couch while waiting for the truck to come by to take the couch to the storage area... [Matt & Agnes]
Inspecting the current condition of the couch... It wasn't comfortable to sit on. [Agnes, Matt, Kevin & Joe]
CA's (Conference Assistants) Odessa & Chinonso staring at the watermelons growing in the Harbor Hall courtyard
The 2 watermelons that came out of nowhere...
Matt taking a nap on top of the desk on the truck, at the same time, getting a tan.
Everyone's tired from lifting and carrying heavy furniture all around different dorms and up to 3 floors without elevators.
A fourth of the desks we had to move to 3 different dorms and to every floor in each dorm. There are more of them and they're very heavy.
Kevin pushing 2 desks at the same time from one end of the hall to another.
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