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Snowmageddon / Snowpocalypse

I survived the snow blizzard this past weekend. Power went out Friday evening and right before panic starts to set in - how are we going to stay warm tonight? - power came back on about 2PM on Saturday. I knew others who had to endure the whole weekend without power, and driving somewhere with heat and warm food was not an option - or it's too dangerous - because the roads weren't plowed.

The weekend was a new experience. I had to dig the Lancer out from under the snow. Shovel tons of snow from the road to get the car out, just so I can drive out in case I had to work on Monday. It was hard work, and there were some challenges. The car got stuck a couple of time where Taan and I attempted to push the car. It was not successful. Cars are pretty heavy. After a lot strategic digging, we managed to get the car out of the snow and into a clear space on the road, which we decided would become a parking space for Lancer.

Lancer parked on the main street completely buried in the snow, and the main street wasn't plowed at all. A lot people were walking by going to the local grocery store or McDonald's because driving was not safe. Many cars got stuck.

Standing beside Lancer - knee deep of snow

Started cleaning the snow off and digging a path for Lancer to come out - it took at least 2.5 hours, just Taan and I. The street behind me was still covered in snow.

Lancer's finally free and out of the snow - we moved it to shoveled path in front of the house. The only reason the road in front of the house was clean was because the neighbors all came out and started shoveling. The rest of the street? It was barely plowed.