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Philippines 2010 Presidential Elections

The Philippines Presidential election is coming up in May. I actually registered for the absentee voting thing when I was at the embassy to renew my passport. I received the ballot a few weeks ago, and I still haven’t decided who to vote for. I have asked several people on who they would vote for and why. It has been very helpful and informative, but I still don’t feel like I have enough information to make a decision.

I’m almost tempted to just not vote at all. With all the corruption in the government, most people are close to losing hope in the government and the politicians who claimed to have the people’s best interests in mind. It is quite evident that their campaign proclamations are untrue, because the politicians are continuing to make their pockets fatter while the people continue to suffer from poverty.

It’s easy to see how people can feel hopeless in a country where you can easily buy votes and convicted criminals and terrorists can actually win elections by a landslide. If you’re a popular actor/actress that’s well-liked by the people and/or you’re super rich and you can afford to give lots of money away to people in exchange for their votes, then you have a really really good chance of winning an election.

Of course, I’m generalizing all politicians, and my claims might very well be inaccurate. I hope I’m wrong. I hope that there are still people in Philippines politics who truly are working for the people’s best interests and not their own. The challenge is in attempting to determine which ones are genuine and which ones are phony. It’s hard to tell.